Brandenburg Gate
The Brandenburg Gate (Brandenburger Tor) is one of the ancient gateways to Berlin as well as one of the most important symbols of the city. In English the most correct name is the Brandenburg Gate, although it is also known as the Brandenburg Gate or Brandenburg Gate.
Opened in 1791 alongside the Pariser Platz, the Brandenburg Gate is a symbol of the triumph of peace over arms.
It is a huge construction of 26 meters high that, with its neoclassical style, reminiscent of the constructions of the Acropolis of Athens.
In 1795, the monument was crowned with a copper chariot representing the Goddess of Victory in a chariot drawn by four horses in the direction of the city. The statue that can be seen today, is a copy made in West Berlin in 1969, as the original was destroyed during World War II.
Although the door has five entrances, from its construction until the year 1918, the central passage of the door could only be used by members of the royal family and some fortunate few.
Pride and drama
After its construction, the Door of Brandenburg enjoyed the splendor that corresponded to him seeing under its arches to the members of the royalty, the troops of Napoleón and attending some parades Nazi.
The tranquility of the Brandenburg Gate ended after the arrival of World War II, which caused serious damage to the structure and virtually destroyed the chariot.
In 1956, both parts of the divided city joined forces to rebuild the gate. It was in 1961, after the construction of the Berlin Wall, when the door was lost in no man's land, trapped between east and west, with virtually no one having access to it.
After the reunification of the city, the Door of Brandenburg, after so many disgusts, finally recovered the place that deserves.
Both day and night, the Brandenburg Gate is one of the most important and pleasant places to see in Berlin. Tourists continually throng in front of their majestic countenance to take the most representative photograph of their trip to Berlin.
The Brandenburg Gate is within walking distance of some of the city's most iconic sights, such as the Parliament building, Pariser Platz and Potsdamer Platz.
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